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Educational support groups are free and open to both OCC shelter residents and the community. Referrals from schools, juvenile court, and other community agencies and organizations are encouraged. All groups are held either at the OCC building in Hot Springs (339 Charteroak St.) or at the OCC office in Arkadelphia (401 Crittenden St.). Snacks and meals are served in the after-school and summer programs. New classes are added on a regular basis, depending on community needs and facilitator availability. For more information, please contact Karen Wilmath at or (501) 915-4087.

Academic Enrichment - All Ages
An educational program that assists youth with academic challenges & engages youth educational discussions & activities. This group is designed for youth who need tutoring and/or support to improve academic performance.
Active Parenting (incorporating Conscious Discipline)
An educational program that incorporates two evidence-based curriculums to help parents, guardians, or grandparents of children of all ages.
Anger Management - Ages 13-17
Educational and interactive program that provides relaxation techniques and coping skills, along with teaching how to recognize anger and other emotions.
The Council for Boys and Young Men - Ages 13-17
Strength-based approach to promote healthy development for boys, and addresses the physical, emotional, and relationship aspects of manhood. Also includes evidence-based reproductive health curriculum.
Dimensions - All Ages
An evidence-based program designed to give the necessary information & skills, through motivational engagement strategies & educational activities, to those interested in living tobacco-free.
Financial Literacy - All Ages
An educational program that introduces concepts of money management, investments, & financial resources; focuses on managing personal finances, budgeting, taxes, etc. Designed for youth to understand how to navigate financial systems effectively.
Girls’ Circle - Ages 13-17
Encourages girls in the development of courage, confidence, honesty and communication skills. Also includes evidence-based reproductive health curriculum.
Life Skills - Ages 13-17
Critical skills, such as budgeting, cooking, shopping, and balancing banking accounts are taught to give youth important tools as they launch into adulthood.
Mind Matters - All Ages
An evidence-based program that assists youth in overcoming negative experiences that affect their well-being. Builds the capacity to recover from difficulties & focuses on utilizing self-regulation techniques to move toward healing from traumatic experiences.
Substance Abuse - Ages 13-18
Educational program designed to inform youth about dangers of drug use, and how they impact the brain and body, also discussing long-term and short-term health effects.
Street Law - All Ages
An educational program created by OJJDP to educate youth about the causes and consequences of various crimes, help them see the impact of his or her actions, and develop ideas for the repairs that he or she could make.

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